Packing up to leave the hotel and wow... SO. MUCH. SWAG. What an amazing week it has been at #SIGGRAPH2019 If we met during the week and didn't get to exchange details then please know that you're welcome to get in touch so that we can stay in contact and share in each others enthusiasm. I have met so many amazing people and made some new friends this week, it's been truly awesome.

#SIGGRAPH2019 is so cool! I have met so many amazing people! The three companies who's lectures I attended today were: NASA, Microsoft and Amazon. I have made so many new friends with similar interests here. This video is from one of the art exhibits... They scan any person's eye (this one is my eye) and then turn it into a 3D landscape and generate music based on it's colours! The white dot is because of a reflection on my eye. You can't hear the music in this video because it was played in headphones for the viewer to wear. I am inspired by all the incredibly tallented people here!

About to see a talk by NASA's Dan Goods on the topic of Visual Strategy 😎🚀 #SIGGRAPH2019
The reception and chapters party tonight at #SIGGRAPH2019 were so much fun!

Music is probably as beautiful and out of reach a mystery to animals as the stars are to people.

Wow, this Santa Muerte festival was way more intense than I expected! 🙈 #vfx #virtualadventures

Of the three transcendentals, beauty is the most immediate.

Playing with light!

Enjoy your democracy sausages everyone! Tonight's count is going to be fun to watch, no matter who wins. Let the games begin!! 🌭🎉 #auspol2019
Just got my ticket for SIGGRAPH 2019! I am looking forward to meeting even more like-minded people and to experience this year's most cutting edge advancements in human/computer interaction and creativity! See you in Los Angeles in a few weeks!! @SIGGRAPHConferences #siggraph2019
Admittedly, there was probably a safer place to refuel than on this particular space station! 😆😅 #vfx #absolutelyrealnotfakenews

Finding parts to fix my time machine in 66 million BC was tricky! On the upside, I did get to meet these fun characters! 🦖 🦕😳😅 #timetravel #dinosaurs #toootallyreal

That time I narrowly escaped capture by aliens! 😲👽 #absolutelyNOTfakenews #totallyserious #maybe

With resourcefulness and fortitude, you can accomplish almost anything!

Just CG chillin' with some CG penguins. 🐧😎

Haha I love this! Nice work شيماء !…
Sharing our knowledge is one of the most productive, exciting and enjoyable things in the world! (And probably the galaxy! 👽😆😉)

A fun rendering experiment about synchronisation. #renderingexperiment #cgi #computergraphics

A rendering experiment with fire.

Wise words.…
Final thoughts from the Camino. #CaminodeSantiago
Final thoughts from the Camino

FYI, I'm not just videoing myself walking around with a selfie stick... If the 360 degree thing is working then you can actually turn your phone around and look at other stuff!!! 😂🤣
Come for a 360° walk with me through Santiago de Compostela! #CaminodeSantiago
I made it to Santiago! #caminodesantiago
I made it to Santiago!

I made it to Santiago!

Happy St Patrick's Day!!! ☘️
Church of Saint James of Padron

On the way to Padron #CaminodeSantiago
On the way to Padron

On the way to Pontevedra

On the way to Pontevedra #CaminoDeSantiago
On the way to Pontevedra

"What's up Skip?" 😂😂😂…
Tui #CaminodeSantiago
On the way to Redondella!


Crossed the border into Spain today! 🇪🇸 #caminodesantiago
Crossed the border into Spain today! 🇪🇸 #caminodesantiago
Seara, Ponte de Lima #CaminodeSantiago
Another perfect day on the Camino!

Crossing the bridge into Ponte de Lima

Seara, Ponte de Lima

Mosteiro de Vairao #CaminodeSantiago
Porto Cathedral #CaminodeSantiago
At Mosteiro de Vairao

Inside the Porto cathedral

The cathedral at Porto


We are currently travelling at 925kph and the plane weighs 351,500kg, so according to my calculations there are exactly 1,185,194 horses on treadmills in the cargo hold! 🐎😮
Currently waiting to board in Canberra Airport, Australia, waiting to begin my journey to Portugal to begin the Camino de Santiago via the Portuguese way! 🌏✈️ #CaminodeSantiago
If you're running any events for this Friday's International Women's Day then remember to mention Girls Who Code ... The more Devs the better!!…
Angelic Compline ⭐🎵

A special render for this coming Friday which is International Women's Day. Thank you to all the amazing female role-models in our lives!

Exciting times for space exploration!!…
Brilliant! Workplaces and schools should so definitely incorporate this sort of insentive into their decisions about how to reduce the number of sick days people take!!…
Regarding Cardinal Pell... If he is guilty of the horrors for which he is accused then may God's will for him be done, absolutely. If on the other hand he is innocent, then may God's will for him be done, absolutely.
Difficult sometimes, but so true!…
One last (somewhat appropriate) rendering experiment before embarking on the Camino de Santiago via the Portuguese way in a couple of weeks! This experiment involves particle physics and was a lot of fun to create.
One last (somewhat appropriate) rendering experiment before embarking on the Camino de Santiago via the Portuguese way in a couple of weeks! This experiment involves particle physics and was a lot of fun to create.

Wow! Fascinating!…
Playmobil + Camino = My youth + my adulthood! 🤗😀…
Oh wow!!…
Commencing the Camino de Santiago (via the Portuguese way) on March 8, 2019! 🇵🇹🇪🇸✝️
Commencing the Camino de Santiago (via the Portuguese way) on March 8, 2019! 🇵🇹🇪🇸✝️
5 weeks until the Camino! That means keeping super healthy and working on fitness for this guy in his 40th year! Tonight: Spinach tortellini carbonara with chicken and fresh cherry tomatoes. #caminoportugues #strengthstretchrun #healthysummer
5 weeks until the Camino! That means keeping super healthy and working on fitness for this guy in his 40th year! Tonight: Spinach tortellini carbonara with chicken and fresh cherry tomatoes. #caminoportugues #strengthstretchrun #healthysummer

Hmmm... Remember to at least consider what's in demand when making choices... Ultimately though, obviously choose what you're most passionate about because you'll do better when you love what you're doing.…
Oh that's clever!!…
Never lose your spirit of adventure!

Stand up. Front up. Be awesome.

There aren't many things more real and yet fantastic than romance.

Girl or guy, rich or poor, your mind is the most important thing you'll ever have. Protect and nourish it!

Anguish is relative.

Build something amazing.

Beauty is truly universal.


Electric threading

Hey Lindsey Stirling and Origin, your two channels are the reason I signed up to YouTube Red. Thanks for making great content!
Airport security 2019? 😂

Time is precious!

Live every day trusting that you're on a journey to somewhere beautiful.

Be fierce in the face of maleficence ;-)

A rendering experiment with flat colours...

Motion Capture Tai-Chi

Good decisions begin with contemplation.

No matter where you are, when you're holding the hand of the woman you love, you're in the right place.

Truth always overcomes.

Hi The Hon Julie Bishop and Senator Penny Wong, I had an idea: If Aus moves it's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem then why not rename it to Australia's embassy to Israel and Palestine? That way we stay on the good side of the USA but also keep a good relationship with Indonesia and Malaysia!
Canberra is so beautiful from my balcony tonight <3
Something's up in Mars's Gale Crater! 👽😮

Neon fun...

On winter nights, happiness = being toasty warm with a good book.

Around and around and around again. ❤🌏

Best seat in the cathedral? 😂🐿️

"Merit consists in the virtue of love alone, flavoured with the light of true discretion, without which the soul is worth nothing." ~ From St Catherine of Siena's A Treatise of Discretion.

This beautiful world has more stories than could ever be told! 🌏❤

Tonight and tomorrow!!…
Reading is one of life's greatest pleasures!

Something contemplative this weekend...

"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." ~ Blaise Pascal
Lol so cool :-)…
A good message P.M…
Everybody loves the warm glow of an autumn afternoon! 🍂🐯

I've just watched the Michael Sandel Q&A special from last week... Very interesting! If you're enjoying a quiet Sunday night and feel like chilling out to some TV then you might like this!
:-) :-) :-)…
The right people, in the right place, can stop time. 🎷🎶😍🕛

I hope you all have a perfectly relaxing and peaceful ✨4 day✨ Easter long weekend with family and friends!! ✌️🐇✝️❤️
Although this was an advertisement, it actually includes tidy summary of social media options in China.…
It will be interesting to see how this compares to nvidia's iray.…
This world is so crazy-amazing and full of wonderful and exciting surprises. Let's never stop being inspired by the beauty of it all! 🌏🐘✨

Hi Eric McCormack I remember you saying that at the end of the original W&G that they let you keep the picture near the door. Is the picture in the new series a copy or did you have to bring it back? :-)
Definitely looking forward to this!…
Happy Chinese New Year!! 🎉🎈🎉🎈
Hey Matthew Pearl, I just heard about your upcoming "Dante Chamber"... I remember really enjoying "Dante Club" and am looking forward to this one!
I loved X-Files in the 90's... I'm definitely looking forward to the new season!
Thank you very much to everyone who has liked my page. 😊 2018 is going to be a big year. There'll definitely be more videos as well as plenty more interesting, fun and sometimes absurd artwork. So let's start off the year with something to make you smile... A tiny handful of furry monsters! Happy 2018 everyone! 🎉

I hate it when that happens! 😂…
Haha that's pretty cute!…
Here's my final artwork for 2017. I hope you all have a great new year!

Pets on the bed... always a controversy. P.s. I really enjoy rendering images of things with fur... It's just a whole extra level of realism. I hope you enjoy this one.

Always be discerning.

Goodness, Beauty, and Truth These are the three transcendentals that relate to rational creatures. They have been known since ancient times. When someone who is good and beautiful and truthful comes into your life, know that you are in the presence of the very best that this world has to offer and, if you can, do your best to be this for others.


Awww ❤️…
Music at midnight 🎵

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." ∼ Emerson
Wow, this is impressive!…
An exciting and and amazing time to be a part of Australasia! #ASEAN50
Lol classy! 😂…
For those of you who are still awake: Tonight's artwork I call... Equilibrium.

Tonight... Pumpkin, beetroot, capsicum, egg, potato, walnuts, french onion/beetroot sauce and snow peas...
If the best you can do is to hold the hand of the person you love, then you're doing pretty well!
When in doubt, always go classic!
Make the most of every situation! Enjoy your week everybody!
When in doubt... Always go classic.

"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved." ~ Amantine Dupin
Looking forward to seeing the sessions on YouTube!…
I love this!…
Using the height-map data and satellite photos that NASA make available to the public, I've created this virtual fly through of Mars's Gale Crater. Enjoy!

I've been nerding out over the data that NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration makes available to the public lately and I've made something I'm pretty excited about... I've combined the heightmap data and satellite imagery they provide on the Gale Grater as well as some rock shaders to make this equirectangular projection. Now you can see what it would look like to stand in the Gale Crater :-) Enjoy! Obvious but necessary note: I'm not affiliated with NASA in any way.

My impression of finding life in the #GaleCrater using the 3D data NASA makes available to the public for the terrain and #CuriosityRover.
Here's my impression of what it might be like for the Curiosity Rover to find life in Mars's Gale Crater. For this render I used the 3D data NASA makes available to the public for the terrain of the Gale Crater as well as their model data for the Curiosity Rover and Gale Crater photographs... Plus of course a *lot* of creative licence!

Has anyone had experience with GCP? Opinions? Dale Anderson ?…
That is interesting! So cool.…
LOL this could get ugly!…
I'm calling this one "Custode Vacantem"
I'm calling this one "Custode Vacantem"

I've really enjoyed some of these!…
I was in another sci-fi mood when I created this one. I've decided to call it "Amor Mechanica".

There's been so much noise lately that it was a real pleasure to turn off all distractions and spend some time creating this piece.

The small glimpse of warm weather over the weekend inspired me to create this image. Come on Spring!! 🌹

I'm calling this one "Investigation"

My artwork for this week "Aurora Borealis" is for a friend who likes bears :-)

Here is some of the artwork I had created earlier...